> News
This page contains updates on the status of the trip, as well as some
ramblings by me about various things. For the oldest news, you can click
15th January 2008
Revisiting the trip
Four years have passed and I have changed the hosting provider for the site, taking the opportunity to perform some maintenance. My studies are complete and I'm still working on the final leg of the trip, a ride from Istanbul to London (Pan-Med 2008?). Although many of the pics on the site are (for the moment) broken, I will work through the pages and repair them, staring with the XRL prep pag, as it is the most popular. If you're looking for photos from the trip, have a look here
11th October 2004
Working hard, but a changed man...
Unfortunately real life has caught up, and I have a load of non-exciting
work to do. I know it's a horrible post-travel cliche, but the trip has
changed the way I look at things, leaving me in a much more stable and healthy
psychological place. Excellent! At the moment I am worknig on a re-jig of
the galleries now that I'm at home. I also have more than a hundred extra
pics to put up, and some gallery links to fix. Thanks for the patience...
13th August 2004
I'm outta there!
As I type I am at home with my family. I negotiated to fly the bike directly
from Cairo to Heathrow (££ ouch!) after seeking medical advice
in a place called Safaga, on the Egyptian Red Sea. The docs advised me not
to drive, as I had a pretty nasty infection (think hallucinations and not
eating anything for 96 hours and you're about right). Police convoy to Cairo
and then the plane. It was hard to deal with the corruption and beaurocracy
while being ill as well, so I was better off at home. It also seems that
Syria is temporarily (?) closed to Brits, which is a real shame. That left
me in a visa cul-de-sac, running out of time.
Have a look at the remaining Egyptian photos below, and please check back
- some site improvements, updates and my final thoughts coming up soon.
14th July 2004
"Egypt" by Franz Kafka.
The stories about Egypt being one of the toughest countries in the world
to enter with a vehicle are true, I can confirm. On Saturday morning I left
the south of Tunisia, having had tea and watched the sun rise with Yassine
and Mohamed - by Saturday night I was sitting on a plane, with the bike
nestling in the hold beneath me (nestling!? Maybe not!)
Egypt has not been easy so far. Four days of toil (0830 until 1600 every
day except Sunday) and I have cleared the side cases but not the bike -
hence laptop and nice new pictures (you know where to find them by now).
Apparently my registration plates will be available on on Saturday morning,
so I will head for Siwa. I have taken a bit of text down, as yesterday was
a pretty stressful day and I moaned a bit. Is it unreasonable to expect
customs formalities to take less than A WEEK?? I think not. More soon folks
- museums and Coptic Cairo tomorrow.
5th July 2004
Enforced lethargy.
Can't believe it's July already. Need to get moving! More nights in the
desert for me, and 350kms of piste yesterday. Ace. People here are fantastically
hospitable. Sorting a ticket on the next cargo flight to Cairo. Small tweaks
to site (like new progress map). Special news for people who like
bats, and donkeys. Goat
brain for Cathy. Have bought new mobile, O2 have sent me a new SIM card,
Latest images are here. I attended
a 5-day Bedouin wedding. And I have
uploaded a 0.5mb video sequence here (WMV).
And if you're looking for something within the site (not on the whole Internerd)
you can use the newfangled search box on this page.
Eventually it will live alongside the Google one.
27th June 2004
Last Chance for the Libyans!
Colonel Gadafi is starting to really stretch my patience with his visa
regulations. I have been in Tunisia for an extra fortnight, waiting. More
deserty trips for me (two new Tunisia galleries).
I think I will fly the bike from Tunis directly to Cairo (ouch £££).
Aggravation is the loss of my telephone. If that's my biggest problem then
life is good. Have been snapping more
animals and interesting things. Thank you for brill e-mails! Sorry to
have not replied, but Internet connection here is stuck in 1987.
11th June 2004
Breakages, Bruises and becoming a Student of the Sand...
There are even more new pictures online.
The personal lowpoint of the week was a 60km/h get-off in deep sand (it's
not as soft as you'd think) which was made rather more complicated and dangerous
by a cartwheeling bike behind me. Aside from that, the sellotape and Blu-tak
repairs are holding up well. Lots of travel within Tunisia, and some great
pics. I am consoled by the fact that I mend for free - the bike always costs!
Best pics of the week, featuring sand, are here
and here.
25th May 2004
There is officially Saharan sand in my boots!
There are some new pictures online, but
I had to put them up by carrier-sloth, so must be brief. Am well, enjoying
the drizzle. It's not at all like drizzle at home, if you know what I mean.
People and lifestyle are completely different, and fantastic. Small bike
problem fixed with Araldite. Get in.
19th May 2004
Je suis en France!
After finally leaving London (small video
and large video) and having a rather stressful
haircut, I am now in Brittany, France.
The fun began with the 200 mile jaunt to my first overnight stop. My high-tech
GPS satellite navigation system helped me to get lost with unprecedented
accuracy. I have safely left my compass and half of my maps of the desert
at home. How clever. My sixth sense for the location of petrol stations
also failed, leaving me bribing a nice man for 20Ä of unleaded. With his
eyes he told me that he hated me and all I stand for.
Tomorrow I leave to ride steadily south to Marseille. I have decided to
take the boat from there, and not Genoa, to save me some on-road driving.
The only problem is that I will have to stay on the French Riviera for a
couple of days. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Libyan visa not done. And I got sunburnt in Brittany. Ready for the desert?
Of course! Gallery soon - some mighty fine snaps. A bientot!
11th May 2004
Pan-Med TV?
In an exciting twist, I posted a demo video onto my server, but it was
quite large. The plan is to submit small progress reports in this way from
interesting places. I know it's out of character, but I will be a little
late in leaving the country...
10th May 2004
Last Minute Nerves
Things have become a little tense with the non-arrival of my Libyan visa
(to be sorted today, I hope). A cocktail of fear, excitement and trepidation
turn the days into a blur, and I realise that this whole thing is a really
good idea. Geoff and Laura, thanks very much for being so incredibly hospitable
and making me a much more smily person. For old news look here.
I promise to make the site a bit less bikey and more interesting soon!
5th May 2004
The Countdown Has Begun!
Closing down my life here in the UK. A scary prospect indeed. This week
will be last minute carnet, visa and bank chasing, as well as getting hold
of the more elusive kit that I need. More insight into what I'm about in
the all-new random pic gallery, as well as
an update on the bike now that it's all
stickered. Thanks for the emails - leaving the country in 6 DAYS!

Bike + Sand!!
Have been burning around the desert, crashing lots but loving it. All of
the equipment I have is working brilliantly, and I have seen some incredible
things and met amazing people. If you like the site, give some of your spare
money to some people who will put it to good
Thank you - in graphical form
Bike is now liveried and looking better than ever. Looking to get lots of
exposure for my sponsors, and persuade people to read
about Riders for Health. Can you help them? Get in touch!
Child of nature shocker!
Got lots of fresh air today, and went out in the unseasonally Saharan weather
(OK, a bit of an exaggeration). Took this XR650L brochure-style pic - pretty,
New pics of Expedition XR650L uploaded
I have now collected the bike, and am proud to present a gallery of images.
The bike is still being run in, but that didn't stop me from getting it dirty.
It's great to be back on board. Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments,
please get in touch.
The first picture of the XR650L.
I took this picture when I was negotiating with Jerome over
the money. Needed a bit of work, but a generally sound bike at a fair price,
and so modern after an XT600Z!
The original plan? To take Priscilla!
Meet Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, also known as "the camel"
(a Yamaha XT600Z Tenere, 3AJ). Unfortunately, the bike was stolen and more-or-less
written off, just as I was getting to the end of my mechanical preparations.
Live and learn, eh?