> Contact Me!
Being on the road will probably be a bit lonely (although there will
be times when I have to travel in convoy), and I can see how it could be
depressing at times. Why not drop me an email and brighten my day? I will
try to collect and send emails whenever possible.
Send a message of support, advice or delight
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Postal Address

About Me
I'm studying at University College London for my Ph.D, within the Geography
Department. My work focuses on the Social and Economic Value of Earth Observation
Data - typically, ways of assessing the usefulness of satellite images.
I am in my second year.
I ride a Honda XR650L (2000) and a Honda RC31 Bros 650 (1989). In my spare
time I like eating and sleeping, and I also have a go at off-roading. I
worked as a courier for a while in London, and would consider bike handling
and observation as my least weak points. I am the point of contact for sponsorship
enquiries, press information, or other technical help. I maintain this website.
I attempt to speak French, Spanish and Arabic. During this trip I will
use aerial photography and satellite imagery for navigation, with a view
to sharing my maps upon my return (look here
and here for examples). I like crisp mornings
and good quality newspapers. Oh, and food. Lots of food. Often.
Website Administration
Legally bit...
In case you need to contact me about the site. Material presented herein
is original text and photography. Please don't steal it! If I have unwittingly
used something you own, drop me a line and I can either give you a proper
credit or take your material down. OK Nicky - I come clean - I pinched a
couple of Touratech promo shots, but I'm sure you don't mind....
Janos Bajusz -
It would be a pleasure to send you a postcard from Libya - is there anywhere
else you are missing?
Thanks due to Paul Gowan -
The RAC Carnet man. He's been really helpful and informative. Hopefully
there will be no problem with my application (except for finding the money!)
Andrew (OB) at Aquapac -
Thanks for all your help and support mate.
Pietro Spera -
A man with very good taste in travel destinations, and one of the few people
who have been to (almost) all of the countries I am going to, also by bike.
It was great to meet up in London and I am planning to use the notes I made!
Sari Travel (Tripoli) -
Thank you for the complete and useful information and details you have provided
for me. Have a look at their website! I will post prices etc soon. Cheers