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> From the desert to the Med...

I left Ksar Ghilane on the direct piste towards Chenini and Tataouine (of Star Wars fame). This is known as one of the most corrugated pistes in Africa, stretching vehicles and drivers to the limit. The problem is that to be comfortable and protect the bike, it's necessary to go quite fast (70-80kph). At that speed you have to concentrate 100% to avoid sharp rocks - often bigger than footballs - and patches of flour-like sand called Fech-Fache. Navigation can be tricky as drivers try to find easier ways through and the track becomes braided.

If you meet with the National Guard officer in Ksar Ghilane he will call Tataouine to make sure you arrived OK.

Uploaded 11th June 2004

Checking ahead, without boxes.

The very braided KG - Chenini track.

People have tried to tame the desert for millenia.

"Tabletops" like this area common.

A very welcome return to tar!.

The Chenini valley.

My new penfriend Degnish.

Even before Chenini, this is an incredible landscape (four-photo mosaic)

The ancient hilltop town of Chenini - beware of kids!

Quicker to ride to the top!

The XR, using the force.

As you crest the hills, things get greener.

Several vehicles didn't make the ramp.

Desert riding is a no-go on the beach. Ouch 1 & 2

TTech bits broke - fixed for a quid back in town!

Bike has a seperate room, without en-suite.

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